[Papyrus-L] Windows XP, Microsoft Office and Papyrus

Jean VACELET jvacelet at com.univ-mrs.fr
Fri Jun 7 03:19:41 EDT 2002

         I recently moved to Windows XP, and following Dave's instructions, 
there is no major problem. I found the absence of communication with the 
clipboard not very convenient, but the clip.txt works without problem.
         However, there is on thing that I cannot explain and which is 
rather annoying. When Papyrus is open, many  operations with Word or Exel, 
such as looking at the list of the files in a folder or opening a file, are 
very, very slow. The planified file indexation of Windows, which normally 
takes a few seconds, needs several minutes and often crashes when Papyrus 
is open. I can live with the problem by avoiding to have Papyrus running in 
the background and opening it only when necessary, but it is not very 
clean. Does anybody experiment such problem ? For sure Dave has an idea ? I 
am under Windows XP professional and Office 97
         Thank you 
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