[Papyrus-L] backing up Papyrus for PC

john rodgers jrodgers at bcm.tmc.edu
Wed May 30 17:22:25 EDT 2001

For about six months I've been using a Jazz drive to carry my database from
home to work.  At each end I copy it to the harddrive, so usually I have
two back-ups for the database - one on the Jazz and one on the other
hard-drive.  Recently I found that some of the records were corrupted; to
make a very long story short I found I could not make .BB files from the
database because of the corrupted records; could not run index
regeneration. I ended up laboriously exporting all the good records I could
identify and rebuilding 99% of the database (of over 30,000 records) from
papx formatted files.  
   So the lesson is this: make your .BB backups sooner rather than later!

   But I wonder if anyone else has had problems like this, and if anyone
has had trouble using a Jazz drive.  I have had a very bad Jazz drive
straight from the box, and another one that has intermitttent problems, but
I've never had any OTHER problem with this drive. 
   Is there a way to do a checksum on a database to make sure it has been
copied correctly?

  -John Rodgers
John R. Rodgers, Ph.D
Assistant Professor,
Department of Immunology
Room M929
Baylor College of Medicine
One Baylor Plaza
Houston, Texas 77030

fax  713-798-3700
jrodgers at bcm.tmc.edu

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