[NHRC-user] NHRC-3 Time out timer

Powers, Bob (IA) Bob.Powers at ia.ngb.army.mil
Mon Mar 25 16:42:11 EST 2002

Quick question.  When does the time-out-timer reset?  At the loss of an
input signal, or at the drop of the repeater transmitter?
In other words, if a QSO is going on and everyone keys up during the hang
time, will the repeater time out, even with short exchanges? or does it
reset each time someone unkeys?
Just put a used repeater on the air yesterday using this controller and it
timed out a few times.  I have since gone in and shortened the hang-time and
set the TOT (I dont know what it was before) and plan on doing some testing
tonight, but thought the list might know the answer
Bob Powers
powersb at willinet.net
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