[Coco] Zip 100 drive

David Ladd davidwladd at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 16:43:28 EDT 2020

On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 12:45 PM rietveld rietveld <rietveldh at hotmail.com>

> You have it right.
> I want to backup my rsdos zip disk(0 to 255) onto a cf card,  then i can
> use my cf adapter and laptop to clone the cards .   That way if i ever have
> the disk fail again i can just write the cloned image back to a cf card and
> use it with the superIDE

One of the things you could do is using a Linux machine and use DD to
backup the ZIP 100 disk and then possibly write it back to a CF card.
Would just need to make sure you use the same offsets you had with the ZIP
100 disk on the CF card.

> Sent from my BlackBerry — the most secure mobile device
> From: keeper63 at cox.net
> Sent: September 16, 2020 12:49 PM
> To: coco at maltedmedia.com
> Reply to: coco at maltedmedia.com
> Subject: Re: [Coco] Zip 100 drive
> Ok - I think I may understand what the issue is - thinking about it a
> bit...
> I'm taking it that you are using the ZIP drive with an IDE interface on
> the the CoCo (probably with OS-9 or NitrOS-9)?
> If so, then of course my suggestion won't work for your needs, so ignore
> it - mostly.
> I think I'd still maybe try one of the ATAPI IDE ZIP100 drives - they
> aren't expensive (last I looked) on Ebay, so I think worth a shot.
> That said, though - I seriously consider moving everything off one of
> those drives and onto something like the SDC or something modern (or
> mainly, more reliable - the ZIP drive was/is nice - but it always had
> that "click of death" issue that I don't know if they ever solved).
> Ultimately - get your data onto something that can be backed up, if you
> aren't running backups already...ideally, the SDC or DriveWire, and some
> kind of method to push it to a Google Drive or Dropbox or similar cloud
> storage, plus something local - that would be ideal.
> Then ditch the ZIP drive.
> --
> Andrew L. Ayers
> Glendale, Arizona
> phoenixgarage.org
> github.com/andrew-ayers
> --
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> Sincerely,
> David Ladd
> ***END OF LINE***
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