[Coco] Trying to build new images

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Wed Jan 11 09:06:32 EST 2017

Bill Gunshannon wrote:
> OK, next set of questions.
> Is rel a module or just a program?


> Why, you ask?
> I saved the file used to build the boot track and ran ident
> against it.  rel is listed as not a module and krn gets a bad
> header message.

Are you referring to bttemp? You probably won't get any useful idents from that 
merged file. You want to use ident on krn in your boottrack directory.

If you look at the source code for rel, you will see it does not have a typical 
header. Rather there are 6 bytes before the header:
* Any changes to the next 3 lines requires changes in XX.Size, above
          fcc   /OS/       sync bytes
          bra   Start+XX.Size+*-2  execution start
          fdb   $1205      filler bytes
One of the purposes of this is that the asci OS tells Disk Basic that the disk 
with this at T34S1 is an OS-9 disk.

> Looking at the source for rel it appears to have everything in
> it to be a module, but I'm no expert (yet!).
> Next, I tried to assemble rel.asm on my system.  It wouldn't
> assemble.  Are the sources not in a format recognized by the
> NitrOS9 asm command?

Since you have not reported any errors you got when trying to assemble the code, 
you are making us guess. Do you have the necessary defsfile and the file 
indicated within defsfile?
          use   defsfile

> bill

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