[Coco] Hijacked: Multipak redesign/replacement

K. Pruitt pruittk at roadrunner.com
Fri Feb 27 15:22:54 EST 2015

> As a spectator sport, watching Kalifornia politics was very entertaining 
> the
> last time I was out there at the turn of the 80's for 4 years, 2 in 
> Redding
> at KRCR-TV and 2 out in Lassen county as CE at the KSUE radio complex.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett
> -- 

It doesn't look any less insane from inside than it does from outside.  It 
has just intensified over the years.

All any Californian can do is apologetically point out that they're not from 
California originally (nobody is from California apparently) and point out 
that we have very nice weather here.  There just is no defending the 
insanity that is California.

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