[Coco] Electronics Newbie question

Robert Hermanek rhermanek at centurytel.net
Fri Dec 16 09:38:44 EST 2011

So when I was a kid growing up, I played with batteries and wires, lights, switches, motors.  Yeah, I was one of those kids.  In college it was "computer science," awfully light on electronics, only a couple architecture courses where they let us play with a few IC's once or twice, I think I built a 4-bit adder, woo!

Now I have visions of my coco with a cartridge sticking out the side.  On this cartridge I imagine a rats nest of wires and IC's, otherwise known as a "prototype" design :)

The question:  Assuming I have to start at the beginning, and the goal is to be able to build logic boards on a cart, anyone have ideas for good beginner's resources (favorite books, etc) , where do you prefer to lookup/buy components, etc?


-Robert Hermanek

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