[Coco] Curious game no coco

Luis Fernández luis46coco at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 15 12:04:19 EDT 2011

This game could be possible in coco 1 and 2, with semigrafics, and the pixels would  be broad

The logic water, I'm sure is as follows

If a drop of water can go down, then falls
If not, randomly choose left or right, if blocked choose the other direction, if is also blocked, it does nothing.(no move)

The dispersion is made by the collision of drops with each other and against objects, achieving a significant extent, (while free fall do not move right or left, respecting thelogic I said before), as well as the accumulation, also the undulations in the top (because if there are spaces in the surface these areas would seem to move from right to left, as indeed they do, even holes collide with each other.

This ensures the collision with the personage and other things, including obstruction

The rising bubbles may be produced through the holes of drops falling even can create an effect that if the water drop is not near another goot of water can be moreclear or white, and if this next to others would be darker.
You just need a good algorithm for Detection of no movement, so that the game is feasible in coco. The idea is to evaluate the non-mobility fast (a couple ofcycles) or perhaps no moving parts make for some time, to speed up that if they move


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