[Coco] Hi to all

Reverend Fuzzy cmayeux at msbministries.org
Thu Nov 18 10:20:29 EST 2010

Hi Everyone,

	Many of you probably remember me from the early days of all that is CoCo.  I used to subscribe to the list at Princeton, but
ditched it due to the massive quantities of spam that had leaked in.  Fortunately, I spotted Allen Huffman's report on the 2009
CoCoFest, and he pointed me to this list. :)

Although I had written many small programs for the CoCo, I think most of you will probably remember me best from when I hosted the
"Learn Your Color Computer" television show (which has recently gone to DVD via Cloud-9 Software).

These days, I'm an ordained Minister, but I still write software, although it's all for the PC community (please don't throw those
eggs!)  I am also making short-subject videos.

Questions?  Comments?  You can contact me through my web site. (it's ok, I won't try to "convert" you... I'm one of those "cool"
Pastors) :)

Reverend Christopher "Fuzzy" Mayeux
Pastor, MSB Ministries
Hattiesburg, MS


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