[Coco] Sculptor for OS9 Level II (6809) / Level 1 (68000)

Grumpyx grumpyx at gmail.com
Sun May 31 21:20:12 EDT 2009

A coco'er here in Chattanooga named Albert Yates was an active developer in
Sculptor, I lost track of him after I moved to West Texas. I wonder where he
is these days... I looked for a copy of Sculptor to purchase, but never
found one when I was old enough to afford it :)  Albert was older then me,
so maybe he's in his late 50' - early 60's I think he was an engineer at
Signal Mtn Cement Co at the time. Let me know if you happen to know where he


On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 12:35 AM, Jim Cox <nutz4coco at gmail.com> wrote:

> While going through my stuff I came across a software package called
> Sculptor.  The main components of the manual and all the software are still
> sealed.
> Sculptor was made in 1987 by Microprocessor Developments Limited in the UK.
> I don't know much else about the software, but it can be installed on the
> following OSs: MS DOS / PC DOS, OS9 Level II (6809), OS9 Level I (68000),
> Uniflex (6809), Uniflex (68000), Unix / Xenix, and Vax VMS.
> If anyone knows anything about this software and / or is interested in it
> the please contac me.
> Jim Cox
> http://miba51.blogspot.com/
> http://geekswhocare.blogspot.com/
> http://8-bit-retro-computing.blogspot.com/
> --
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