[Coco] Windows 95 help

Rod Barnhart rod.barnhart at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 10:48:56 EDT 2009

I used to work as a bench tech, and Win98SE did seem to be the most stable
version of the Win9X series, followed by Win95 OSR 2.1. But back to the
original issue... If a copy of Win.Com is all that is needed for the update,
you might be able to simple go to the C drive and type 'copy con win.com' to
create the file, without having to dig out your Win3.1 disks. Depends on if
the update verifies the authenticity of win.com before running. I can't
remember if it does or not...

Rod Barnhart

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Bruce W. Calkins <brucewcalkins at charter.net
> wrote:

> If it is the OSR2, or OSR2.1. version of Windows 95, it will be labeled as
> such.  I have been told by people who made their livings setting up and
> fixing computers for other people that Windows 98SE was the most stable
> version.  ME brought in several features that were to be standard on XP, but
> the NT based code was not a smooth fit with the DOS overlay code of Win 3.X
> through Win 9X.
> I run Windows 98SE on my CoCo Emulator machine with the unofficial windows
> 98 update and an updated Daylight Savings Time update.  Since these machines
> do not go on-line I have not had any problems with viruses or other
> exploitation.
> Bruce W.
> P.S. Google; ultimate OS update, unofficial Windows 98 update & Windows 98
> Daylight Savings Time update.
>  So the win 95 of floppies would be the first edition? I bought a  sealed
>> win 95 at a yard sale last year.
>> Sent via iPhone by O2
>> On 28 Mar 2009, at 12:12, "Bruce W. Calkins"  <brucewcalkins at charter.net>
>> wrote:
>>  The latest version of 95 had USB support.  It was built in with 98,
>>> although rather clunky compared to XPs USB implementation.
>>> Bruce W.
>>>  As I remember.. There was Win 95, then Win 95 OSR2, then OSR2.1...
>>>  Basically they had updated drivers and better TCP/IP stacks.
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