[Coco] Run program by typing DOS

Bruce W. Calkins brucewcalkins at charter.net
Mon Mar 16 23:08:51 EDT 2009

> Bruce W. Calkins wrote:
>> Disk Extended Basic 1.0 and 2.0 did not have the DOS command.

> Bill's problem is not related to that. For some reason, it won't compile 
> with his version of EDTASM. It must be typos in what Bill entered but 
> there is no way to see that in the message. All the formatting was lost in 
> transmission.

Yes, you are on track there.  IIRCC; I used a basic program to add the DOS 
functionality to disks.  Most of the game disks set up for my ex-wife were 
prepped to load a menu from the DOS command, not that that ever mitigated 
her phobia of computers.

I wish I had time to set up a CoCo or three, but with this being my final 
semester; I don't have the option of not passing all my classes.

Bruce W.

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