[Coco] 512 Upgrade

Stephen Castello zootzoot at cfl.rr.com
Tue Aug 8 16:35:42 EDT 2006

On Tue, 08 Aug 2006 12:22:43 -0400, Rick Ross
<rickross at mail.rossprogramming.com> had a flock of green cheek conures
squawk out:

>Anyone who could help me I would be grateful :-)
>I have had a new Tandy 512 upgrade lying around and a perfectly good cc3
>with 128k. so I figured why not make a 512 that doesn't work!
>I removed the existing chips and snipped c65 and c66 dropped the new 512
>Turn it on and get green with no text. Removed 512 and put the old chips
>in - same thing a green with no text.
>I am quite sure this has been seen before, if so can you give me a clue?

The pin headers from the board to the motherboard are not making good
contact.  If I leave my coco3 alone too long, I have to move the ram
board up and down a bit to get it working again.


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