[Coco] 512 Upgrade

Roger Merchberger zmerch-coco at 30below.com
Tue Aug 8 16:26:55 EDT 2006

Rumor has it that Rick Ross may have mentioned these words:
>I cracked another 128k 3 and dropped it in without cutting c65 and c66
>same thing - blank green screen. I am guessing bad memory? Or the whole

Ah, in an attempt to justify my ownership of a "Journeyman's Master of the 
Obvious" card, have you tried:

1) double-checking that all the chips on the upgrade board are oriented 

2) checking for any bent/missing pins on the chips?

3) pulling (or at least 1/2 pulling) the chips & reseating them? This type 
of error can easily be attributed to a bad connection on 15-year-old 

4) Checking the interface pins/posts & make sure they're not corroded?

Hope this helps,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger   | "Bugs of a feather flock together."
sysadmin, Iceberg Computers |           Russell Nelson
zmerch at 30below.com          |

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