[Coco] CUBIX on the CoCo?

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Sat Oct 29 10:42:33 EDT 2005

On second thought FCCZ must be FCC, FCB 0. Terminate FCC string with $00.

Robert Gault wrote:
> It looks to me that any of the Coco assemblers can handle the Cubix 6809 
> code with a few exceptions, FCCZ and the use of SSR for examples. I 
> think the FCCZ might be the same as FCS. SSR is a macro meaning send a 
> numeric  action code to $E00B.
> The main problem will be to recognize that much of the source is not 
> labeled as source. The EXAMPLE directory files are all .asm but the OS 
> files, some ending in .os other without extensions are all 6809 source 
> code.

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