[Coco] CUBIX on the CoCo?

Dave Dunfield dave04a at dunfield.com
Sat Oct 29 09:17:00 EDT 2005

>I'm not familiar with CUBIX, but i like the idea (and the challenge)  
>of porting a new OS to the CoCo!  If I had the time, I would consider  
>it, but I am overcommitted as it is with NitrOS-9 and things outside  
>of the CoCo, like school.  I think it would make a very interesting  
>semester project for a student, though.

As noted previously, I'm happy to assist if anyone is interested in
doing this.

>One thing I am curious about: what tools would be used to assemble  
>the OS source and the needed block and term I/O routines?  Don't you  
>have a set of Windows based tools for assembling 6809 code?  Check  
>out ToolShed (www.nitros9.org/toolshed).  We have a 6809/6309  
>assembler as part of the package.  It may be of interest to you or  
>whomever may be considering taking up the CUBIX port.

Um ... It has been one of my main lines of business to produce development
tools for many different embedded/8-bit processors, including the 6809
(see www.dunfield.com) - I have assemblers, C-compilers, debuggers, simulators
and a whole plethora of tools for over a dozen processor families including
the 6809.

The CUBIX source code is all written 6809 assembly language, and assembles
with my PC hosted 6809 cross assembler - with a little bit of work, it
should also assemble on the 6809 under the ASM assembler which is part of

dave04a (at)    Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot)  Firmware development services & tools: www.dunfield.com
com             Collector of vintage computing equipment:

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