[Coco] A return to bit.listserv.coco?

Boisy G.Pitre boisy at boisypitre.com
Mon Mar 21 16:01:05 EST 2005

On Mar 21, 2005, at 2:57 PM, James Dessart wrote:
> As long as it's CoCo related, and it adds to the discussion, I'm all 
> for
> it. But it sometimes strays from there.
> Also, I don't view this forum as an economic exchange, I view it as a
> discussion forum. Discussing how we can help someone in need out is 
> great,
> but every time someone has a spare doodad we don't all need to know 
> about
> it.

So you're ok with umpteen posts about the Hitchhiker's Guide movie, and 
every other off-topic posts that generates a load of traffic, but can't 
tolerate some swapping?

Give me a break.  I would rather have to wade through ON-TOPIC posts, 
no matter how uninteresting they are, and that includes swap posts.

> --
Boisy G. Pitre
E-Mail: boisy at boisypitre.com
Mobile: (337) 781-3997
Web: www.boisypitre.com

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