[Parish of Saint Monica] 10 reasons to hunger for the Eucharist

Fr. Jon Thomas jthomas at accatholic.org
Mon May 18 21:08:18 EDT 2020

Parish of Saint Monica e-Newsletter 5/18

It's been two months today since public Mass was suspended.  Let's pray
we're only days from resuming public Mass!

*Highlights in this e-newsletter:*
* 10 Reasons to Hunger for the Eucharist
* Home Shrine Photo Contest

10 Reasons to Hunger for the Eucharist

It's been two months today since public Mass was suspended.  Here's ten
reasons from the Catechism for hungering for the Eucharist, the Body and
Blood of Christ:

*1) It is the way we thank God.*  The Greek word *eucharistein *means "to
give thanks."

*2) It unites us to Christ.*  "All who eat the one broken bread, Christ,
enter into communion with him and form but one body in him" (Catechism no.

*3) It is the greatest sacrifice we can offer God.*  "It makes present the
one sacrifice of Christ the Savior.... it completes and surpasses all the
sacrifices of the Old Covenant" (Catechism no. 1330).

*4) It prepares us for our mission.*  In fact, the word "mission" comes
from the same Latin as the word "Mass."  "Holy Mass (*Missa*)... concludes
with the sending forth (*missio*) of the faithful" (Catechism no. 1332).

*5) It is the way we offer ourselves to God.*  "The lives of the faithful,
their praise, sufferings, prayer, and work, are united with those of Christ
and with his total offering, and so acquire a new value" (Catechism no.

*6) It's the spiritual food for the spiritual life begun at baptism.*
 "Communion with the flesh of the risen Christ... preserves, increases, and
renews the life of grace received at Baptism" (Catechism no. 1392).

*7) It keeps us from sin.*  "The Eucharist cannot unite us to Christ
without at the same time cleansing us from past sins and preserving us from
future sins" (Catechism no. 1393).

*8) It helps us to be generous.*  "As bodily nourishment restores lost
strength, so the Eucharist strengthens our charity, which tends to be
weakened in daily life" (Catechism no. 1394).

*9) It unites us to fellow believers.*  "Through it Christ unites [us] to
all the faithful in one body - the Church.... In Baptism we have been
called to form but one body.  The Eucharist fulfills this call" (Catechism
no. 1396).

*10) It is a preview of heaven.*  "There is no surer pledge or clearer sign
of this great hope in the new heavens and new earth... than the Eucharist"
(Catechism no. 1405).

Home Shrine Photo Contest

Do you have a special place in your home or garden where you have been
praying?  If so, share the photo on the parish Web site.  Gift card prizes
for the most popular home shrines.


Parish Services

*Emergency Food Pantry*

The parish is operating an emergency food pantry at Star of the Sea.  If
you need food, please contact Laura Bello, pastoral associate, at
lbello at accatholic.org.  Thanks to Anne Manuel of Ventnor and many other
Downbeach and offshore residents who are providing food and cash donations!

*Prayer Hotline*

The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal invite parishioners and others to
leave prayer intentions on their voicemail.  The phone number for St.
Michael's Convent is (609) 343-1545.

*Free Book Service*

Call the office or email Maria to request a copy (mespinoza at accatholic.org).
Provide your mailing address.  The following titles are available:

   - Song of Silence: The Journey of Saint Jeanne Jugan
   - Poor in Spirit: The Spirituality of Jeanne Jugan
   - Sayings of Jeanne Jugan
   - Perfectly Yourself: Discovering God's Dream for You
   - Why We're Catholic: Our Reasons for Faith, Hope and Love

*Online Bible Study*

Fr. Jon's Tuesday night Bible study concludes tomorrow for summer break,
but follow at your convenience at accatholic.org/online.  We have been
studying the Second Book of Kings, learning about the great prophets Elijah
and Elisha.

*Fr. Jon's English Mass on WOND 1400*

Airs on Sundays at 7 AM

*Other Resources on our Web Site*

On the parish Web site, you can also find a guide for following Sunday Mass
from home (in English and Spanish) plus special prayers for "spiritual
Communion" and for our needs during the pandemic.

Staying in Touch

*Web site* - www.accatholic.org
*English Facebook page* - facebook.com/accatholic
*Spanish Facebook page* -
*Parish Office* - 609-345-1878 - although the office is not open to the
public, staff are answering the phone Monday-Friday, 9 to 4 PM

Fr. Jon Thomas
Pastor, Parish of Saint Monica
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