[Parish of Saint Monica] Parish of Saint Monica e-Newsletter 5/10

Fr. Jon Thomas jthomas at accatholic.org
Sun May 10 13:35:00 EDT 2020

*Happy Mother's Day* to all of the mothers in our parish!

*Highlights in this e-newsletter:*
* Wedding of the Sea and Sister Shamus Walk updates
* ZOOM sessions with Sister Celeste
* Planning for the resumption of public Masses

Parish Updates

*Community Outreach*
The parish hosted a successful food distribution last Saturday 5/2
organized by the Hispanic Association of Atlantic County.  Hundreds of
people lined up around the block at Star of the Sea.

The parish also hosted a Red Cross blood drive this pastThursday 5/7 at
Quaremba Hall.  Dozens of parishioners and members of the public gave blood.

You can watch the Mass at St. Nicholas on May 1 for the Feast of St. Joseph
the Worker on our parish's YouTube channel
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK9XeGWkvhs>.  Bishop Sullivan, union
leaders, and elected officials throughout NJ joined in prayer for our
workers during the special challenges of the pandemic.

The Easter Monday windstorm perforated the roof of St. Michael's Church and
subsequent rainstorms revealed the extensive damage.  The damage inside the
church itself (the first floor of the building) is limited to two ceiling
frescoes and a faux column.  The interior damage should be easily
repairable and we are hopeful that insurance will completely cover the cost
of a new roof.

The pandemic economic shutdown should not delay Phase II of the St.
Nicholas interior restoration, which is the restoration of the side aisles
in Fall 2020.  The work will include the rest of the stained glass windows,
Stations of the Cross, and marble columns, besides other work.

Several parishioners have signed up for electronic giving
<http://www.parishgiving.org> and many more are mailing in their
donations.  You can check accatholic.org for the weekly donation numbers.
Here's last week's, which had the highest donations since the shutdown

Donations for the week ending Friday, May 8

   - Sunday Offertory: $0
   - Electronic Giving
   <http://accatholic.org/how-you-can-help/76-electronic-giving> Donations:
   $1,323.49 (fees already deducted)
   - Budget: $15,609.00
   - Mailed Donations: $10,823.00
   - St. Nicholas Restoration Donations: $100
   - Food Pantry: $1,400

The parish also received a Paycheck Protection Program forgivable loan last
Tuesday 5/5.  You might have read that this was offered through the CARES
Act to small businesses.  This will allow us to keep parish employees
working to maintain our properties, prepare the parish for reopening, and
provide important services during the meantime.

*Planning for Masses after the Reopening*
Unfortunately, it's become clear that when society "reopens," things will
not be the same until a vaccine is available.  The parish staff has been
preparing for the resumption of public Masses and the diocese released its
first memo on the subject this past Friday.  Here's several highlights:

* Mass attendance will be strictly limited, perhaps to an absolute number
like 50 or to a percentage of the normal capacity like 25%
* Worshippers will have to reserve a pew for their household online or by
calling the office
* Volunteers will have to direct traffic flow in and out of the church,
check reservations, and enforce social distancing within the church
* Other volunteers will have to disinfect the church between Masses
* The bathrooms will not be open
* Per the diocese, Communion will be available after Mass ends
* To accommodate these changes, Masses will have to start every two hours,
not - as was the case - every hour and a half

Parish Services

*Zoom Sessions with Sister Celeste*

Are you feeling a little “house-bound” as this pandemic continues?  How
about taking one of the opportunities below to deepen the way you pray and
open yourself to a deeper experience of God through scripture?  Sister
Celeste Mokrzycki, SSJ, pastoral associate, will lead each zoom session to
introduce a prayer practice that may help you to know God in a new way.
Not familiar with zoom?  Interested in signing up now?  Need to know more?
E-mail Sister Celeste at sisterceleste at accatholic.org.

*Lectio Divina – Prayer of Divine Knowing*
Wednesday 5/13   9:30AM – 10:30AM  on ZOOM
Lectio Divina (divine reading) is a way of allowing God’s Word to touch us
very personally.  Introduced by St. Gregory of Nyssa (c 330- 395), lectio
helps us develop a closer relationship with God by reflecting prayerfully
on His words.  The chosen spiritual text is read four times in total,
giving an opportunity to think deeply about it and respond thoughtfully.

*Ignatius Examen – Seeing God in our Daily Life*
Thursday 5/14      9:30AM – 10:30AM  on Zoom
This is a technique of prayerful reflection on the events of the day in
order to become aware of God's presence and discern his direction for us.
The Examen is an ancient practice in the Church that can help us see God's
hand at work in our whole experience.  Ignatius of Loyola, who started this
20 minute prayer exercise, thought the Examen was a gift that came directly
from God.  It's a habit of prayer that Jesuits, and many other Christians,
practice daily.

*Praying through  Sacred Doodling (Zentangle)*
Friday 5/15     9:30AM – 10:30AM on Zoom
Do you doodle?  Have you ever tried praying while you doodle?

All you need for this centering technique is a blank piece of paper, a pen
or fine point marker and your openness to the Holy Spirit.  If it's
challenging for you to sit quietly and pray, zentangle might be an exercise
to help you.  Drawing repetitive patterns can help occupy your hands and
the active part of your mind, so that God can speak to you in the quiet of
your heart.  We will use a scripture passage and guided meditation to
inspire us as we repeat patterns in our doodles.

*Prayer Hotline*

The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal invite parishioners and others to
leave prayer intentions on their voicemail.  The phone number for St.
Michael's Convent is (609) 343-1545.

*Emergency Food Pantry*

The parish is operating an emergency food pantry at Star of the Sea.  If
you need food, please contact Fr. Jon at jthomas at accatholic.org or Laura
Bello, pastoral associate, at lbello at accatholic.org.  Thanks to the
Downbeach and Cherry Hill residents who are providing donations!

*Free Books*

Call the office or email Fr. Jon to request a copy (jthomas at accatholic.org).
Provide your mailing address.  The following titles are available:

   - Song of Silence: The Journey of Saint Jeanne Jugan
   - Poor in Spirit: The Spirituality of Jeanne Jugan
   - Sayings of Jeanne Jugan
   - Be A Man! Becoming the Man God Created You to Be
   - Perfectly Yourself: Discovering God's Dream for You
   - Why We're Catholic: Our Reasons for Faith, Hope and Love

*Online Bible Study*

Fr. Jon's Tuesday night Bible study is continuing online.  Follow at your
convenience at accatholic.org/online.  There are just two sessions left
before we conclude the Second Book of Kings and break for the summer.

*Fr. Jon's English Mass on WOND 1400*

Airs on Sundays at 7 AM

*Other Resources on our Web Site*

On the parish Web site, you can also find a guide for following Sunday Mass
from home (in English and Spanish) plus special prayers for "spiritual
Communion" and for our needs during the pandemic.

Parish Calendar

Our parish's two biggest events are the *Wedding of the Sea Festival* and
the *Sister Shamus Walk*.

*The Walk* was originally scheduled for this Saturday 5/16, but Star of the
Sea School and the Walk committee will soon send information about exciting
changes to this year's event.

*The Mass for the Wedding of the Sea* will be celebrated at our largest
church, St. Nicholas, on Saturday 8/15 at 12 noon.  A procession down St.
James Place to the beach will follow the Mass.  Even if gathering
restrictions severely limit the attendance at the Mass, everyone should be
able to witness the *ceremonial tossing of the wreath* at the beach near
St. James Place.  Unfortunately, *the festival* is canceled for this year.

Staying in Touch

*Web site* - www.accatholic.org
*English Facebook page* - facebook.com/accatholic
*Spanish Facebook page* -
*Parish Office* - 609-345-1878 - due to the stay-at-home order affecting
parish staff, please allow more time for response

Fr. Jon Thomas
Pastor, Parish of Saint Monica
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