[Papyrus-L] Using Papyrus in a Windows 2000 network

John R.Rodgers jrodgers at bcm.tmc.edu
Wed Jul 7 14:49:02 EDT 2004

Perhaps this is technologically cowardly, but it seems to me to be good 
stewardship of a valuable community resource.

>We took the coward's way out - we also use one database for a research 
>group, but just put the most recent *.bb files in the shared folder, and 
>ask everyone to download and update the personal copy on their own machine 
>before starting work.  Only one workstation modifies the data base; they 
>then create backup files and place the most recent version on the shared 
>folder on the server.  Anyone wanting to modify the database sends the 
>information to the Papyrus custodian. That way, no problems with multiple 
>accesses, but everyone has the updated database.
>This is relatively low tech, but it has the advantage of working.
>Best regards
>Raisa Deber

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