[Papyrus-L] importing references

John Rodgers jrodgers at bcm.tmc.edu
Mon Oct 7 13:17:05 EDT 2002

You might have trouble having Papyrus recognizing .fcgi as a proper DOS
extension, which it is not.  I always display my searches in Medline format
as textfiles, then save as "name.dox"  or "name.txt"  - use the quote signs
to force the browser to use your extension instead of the .fcgi extension-
and see if your browser lets you SAVE AS a text file.   If you are still
having trouble with it, open it in a text editor to see what it looks like
(make sure you aren't getting double spaces)

At 10:08 AM 10/7/02 -0700, you wrote:
>Dear Dave
>sorry to trouble you. I am totally unable to import references into papyrus.
>I've been able to do it in the past but for some reason I can't do it now.
>All I want to do is import from Pub-med (internet version) to papyrus. I
>save the file as .fcgi (as the web-sit guides you to) but I can't get
>papyrus to read the file in any of the formats I've copied from the library
>What am I doing wrong?
>Papyrus-L mailing list
>Papyrus-L at ResearchSoftwareDesign.com
John R. Rodgers, Ph.D
Assistant Professor,
Department of Immunology
Room M929
Baylor College of Medicine
One Baylor Plaza
Houston, Texas 77030

fax  713-798-3700
jrodgers at bcm.tmc.edu

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