[Papyrus-L] Pap vs. others and where's Dave?

Bob Barrett bob.barrett at adelaide.edu.au
Tue Oct 23 17:40:11 EDT 2001

	You might note that programmers at CSIRO, Australia have just (limited)
released a beta version of a program for simulation of grapevine growth
called VineLOGIC. Significantly, it is written in Fortran over years (90 or
99 I think, anyway not the next step up from Algol) but uses a Visual Basic
(Win32) front end to get around the windows problem. It accesses a text
file database of weather data and other data with output as numbers and
graphs to Visual Basic sub-windows. Operators fill in windows boxes which
are sent to the Fortran simulator then come back as text or numbers in
other windows boxes (usually another screen). Is a small(?) program - about
2.5M without the weather data files.

	I understand from the programmers (one Fortran, one Visual Basic, both
private consultants) that they have written interrogator modules for
'getting at' the Fortran I/O to feed to the registers(?) that Visual Basic
uses. Not nice but as the Americans say it is a Kluge that works. There may
be copyright problems with the Visual Basic parts if used for Papyrus but...

	Maybe for WinPAP as suggested by the Canadians in Toronto?
Bob, Adelaide (less rain than Portland, OR)

 At 10:20 AM 22/10/01 -0500, you wrote:
>At 01:42 AM 10/22/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>>- Could Papyrus users who are computer programmers, or who have access to
>>computer programmers, help in completing the Windows version of Papyrus?
>>Perhaps as an open-source project?
>>I think this would also prove impractical. Version 7.0 is written in
>>Fortran, a language known by relatively few programmers these days. More
>>I have been trying for quite a while to find a path toward the completion
>>of Papyrus for Windows. I remain open to suggestions, but at this point I
>>don't see a solution to the various obstacles outlined above.

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