[Papyrus-L] Important Papyrus news

Peter Klaren p.klaren at vet.uu.nl
Fri Oct 12 04:02:12 EDT 2001

>The Bad News
>Research Software Design no longer plans to develop further versions of


1. So RSD will also stop developing Papyrus 7.0.17 (DOS version) for use
with Word 2000?

2. Surely you must have known some years before now that the development of
a full Windows version wasn't going anywhere. Why did RSD keep the Papyrus
community in the dark, which is so unlike the friendly way RSD is keeping
in touch with and responding to users?

All the best,

Peter Klaren

Peter H.M. Klaren
Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology
Division of Physiology
Utrecht University               tel.: +31 30 253 5313/5252
PO Box 80157                      fax: +31 30 253 9233
3508 TD  Utrecht                email: p.klaren at vet.uu.nl
the Netherlands                   url: http://www.vet.uu.nl/

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