[Papyrus-L] Inquiry

Dave Goldman, Research Software Design dave at rsd.com
Tue Jun 5 13:15:58 EDT 2001

Tom Gill wrote:

>I haven't gotten a response yet from the folks at RSD...

Sorry about that!

>I would like my administrative assistant to have read-only access to my
>papyrus database over a network.  Based on the Papyrus manual, it appears
>that this could potentially be done by having the Retriever program
>installed on her PC.  Is this correct?  If so, how can I get a copy of the
>retriever program?  I could not find anything about this on the web site.

The Retriever is a bit buried, at <http://www.rsd.com/Utilities7.html>.

-- Dave Goldman (dave at rsd.com)              Research Software Design
   503/796-1368, fax 503-452-8920           617 SW Hume Street
   The PAPYRUS Bibliography System          Portland OR 97219-4458 (U.S.A.)

   Technical Support: support at rsd.com       Other Questions: info at rsd.com
                       WWW Site: http://www.rsd.com/

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