[Coco] A quick question re Glenside CCC… how close is GCCCHQ to DeKalb?

Salvador Garcia salvadorgarciav at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 19 19:58:16 EDT 2023

 Hi Kevin,
That's great that you'll be closer. We look forward to seeing you at the next CoCoFEST!
As far as I know, GCCC doesn't have a brick and mortar HQ. We used to meet at the Schaumburg library. I say "we" loosely because I only attended about three times. Later on, the meeting moved to a private residence, I can't remember whose, and were also streamed. Then, when the pandemic hit, the meetings were moved online only, and they have been like that ever since.
Each monthly meeting is announced by our esteemed prez and also sometimes by his right hand, the Veep. The meetings are divided into two parts. The first is the Social Hour where people talk about whatever, mostly related tot he CoCo. Demos are presented whenever someone has something to show. The second part is the Business Meeting where the agenda topics are broached. Best wishes, and welcome! Salvador

    On Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at 02:18:18 AM CDT, Kevin Havens W9JYD via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:  
 CQ de W9JYD my fellow CoCoNutz…

At this point in time, I’m in Augusta, Georgia, in the final days of a huge
mistake coming here (but irrelevant to this post, so won’t be discussing it
further)… but I’m relocating to DeKalb, IL around the day I get paid in a
little over a week from now.

I’ve had “Attend a Last! CoCoFest” on my bucket list for EVER. Knowing that
DeKalb is close to the place where Lonnie birthed the first (and farewell…
nice touch imho) RainbowFEST somewhere round that area. And reading some
back issues of CoCo~123 from Guilliame’s CoCo Archive… I seen some
references to the town I’ll be moving to next month. But I’m just recalling
from memory. I really want to hold a “dead tree version” of a newsletter
again for that immediate high of nostalgia. PDF is where it’s at and always
available (just generalizing) but sometimes I want to have a physical
printed copy without Facebook, Messenger, instagram, iMessage, whatever
intruding upon my reading by sliding down a notification that the developer
deems appropriate…

So, TL;DR… my question is in the subject line, basically. I need to get
into doing things I love doing. I already found an amateur radio club there
in DeKalb, and I remembered, with possibly fuzzy memory, that Glenside was
in or somewhere around DeKalb. If anyone could help me with this,
appreciate it.

And if so, I will DEFINITELY join Glenside.

73s de W9JYD
73 de W9JYD, Muncie, IN, USA (EN70he)
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