[Coco] chess

salvadorgarciav at yahoo.com salvadorgarciav at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 14 14:34:41 EDT 2023

First, I congratulate you on having a great idea during the night. I once
had a brilliant idea during the night. I quickly jotted it down so I
wouldn't forget it. The next morning, I had a look at my notes and the only
thing I wrote was "hamburger".

Moving on to your idea. Having exclusive communication between two CoCos has
many practical uses. The game of chess is only one. Yes, a terminal program
could be used, but what if instead of the modem, the program communicates
via the serial port, connected to a network dongle? This has the advantage
of not using the telephone line (and hopefully avoiding family members
yelling at us).

For example, The DriveWire protocol already does this in some ways. It can
either use a serial connection, or a network connection to connect the CoCo
(or emulator) to the host PC. Salvador.

-----Original Message-----
From: Coco <coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com> On Behalf Of Mike Delyea via Coco
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2023 12:57 PM
To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Cc: Mike Delyea <mdelyea at gmail.com>
Subject: [Coco] chess

I woke up in the middle of the night last night and out of the blue I had a
thought.  Why didn't anybody write a coco program to play chess over the
modem? Since it would be 2 humans playing it could even be written in
BASIC.  You could use a free terminal program (from one of the magazines -
can't remember which one) to make the connection and write a small file to
each machine after a successful move.  Maybe such a thing exists and I just
never saw it.

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