[Coco] OS9 Idea

johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com
Thu Dec 21 01:07:24 EST 2023


This could be an OS9 idea, or you could connect your CoCo's serial port to a
Linux computer and run this program. The CoCo would need to run a terminal


# HappyFestivus
# By......: John Mark Mobley
# Date....: 12-20-2023
# See: banner, figlet, toilet, cowsay

# make the text bold red
# echo -n -e "\033[1;31m"
# setterm --bold on --foreground red
toilet --metal "  Happy"
toilet --metal "Festivus!"
# reset all attributes to their defaults
# echo -n -e "\033[0m"
# setterm --default


# MerryChristmas
# By......: John Mark Mobley
# Date....: 12-20-2023
# See: banner, figlet, toilet, cowsay

# make the text bold red
# echo -n -e "\033[1;31m"
setterm --bold on --foreground red
figlet -t -c "Merry"
figlet -t -c "Christmas!"
# reset all attributes to their defaults
# echo -n -e "\033[0m"
setterm --default


John Mark Mobley

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