[Coco] autopatching coco1/2 games to play in colour on a coco3

David Ladd davidwladd at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 13:27:19 EDT 2020


Well GitHub or GitLab is the hosting service.  Just like Sourceforge.net is
a hosting service for source code projects.

David Ladd
| David Ladd a.k.a. PacoOtaktay a.k.a. Drencor                          |
| YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/PacoOtaktay                      |
| YouTube Gaming Live: https://gaming.youtube.com/user/PacoOtaktay/live |
| Websites are:                                                         |
|   http://daves-hobbies.com                                            |
|   http://dwladd.com                                                   |
|   http://www.theterrorzone.com                                        |
|                                                                       |
| Do you have your CoCo 3 yet?                                          |

On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 12:21 PM rietveld rietveld <rietveldh at hotmail.com>

> I don't have a way to host anything. I can send it to anyone who does and
> they are more than welcome to share it.

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