[Coco] Radio Shack's Audio Spectrum Analyzer for the CoCo 3

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Thu Jan 17 10:56:16 EST 2019


I will play with $FF98 and see what happens. As for Steve Bjorks's program, it is not much good 
without text characters on the screen indicating frequency on the X axis and DB on the Y axis.


L. Curtis Boyle wrote:
> Robert - from what I remember, to get the semigraphics modes to work on the Coco 3 (sans text characters of course), I just used the 3 LPR bits in $FF98 (least significant 3 bits).  00x does SG-24 (192 vertical resolution), and 010 does SG-12 (96 vertical resolution). I haven’t had a chance to test it over the last few days, but I did have some hand scrawled notes showing the pokes for a couple of different programs, and what mode they were using.
> L. Curtis Boyle
> curtisboyle at sasktel.net
> TRS-80 Color Computer Games website
> http://www.lcurtisboyle.com/nitros9/coco_game_list.html
>> On Jan 16, 2019, at 8:37 PM, Robert Gault <robert.gault at att.net> wrote:
>> Curtis,
>> I've been playing with a disassembly of the disk version of the Analyzer program and have added a
>> LDA #%1010
>> STA $FF9C
>> just before the program does a
>> STA $FFC0  set up S-12
>> STA $FFC2
>> STA $FFC5
>> Now with S-24 and the $FF9C poke on a Coco3 you get S-24 without any text letters but it does not help the Analyzer program to get S-12 or S-8 mode.
>> Strangely enough the SN74LS783 specs indicate that while S-8 and S-24 can produce letters as well as block graphics, S-12 should just produce block graphics so maybe the disk version of Analyzer is incorrect.
>> Whatever, there are two places in the program where $FFC0-$FFC5 gets changed and I've tried lots of combinations with and without the $FF9C change. Nothing gives the desired result on a Coco3.
>> In S-24 mode there is no text and the screen is half the required vertical size. In what I assume is S-4 mode with many changes to the program to reduce the screen size on the vertical axis, there is not enough vertical space for the needed details.
>> I'd be happy to send you my disassembly and my initial mods to play with if you want. Maybe you can get Steve's program to work on a Coco3.
>> Robert
>> --
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