[Coco] Mame on debian wheezy

Christopher R. Hawks chawks at dls.net
Wed Sep 26 15:56:26 EDT 2018

On Mon, 24 Sep 2018 10:43:25 -0700
tim lindner <tlindner at macmess.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 10:28 AM, Joel Rees <joel.rees at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > That's what I'm trying now. Git clone in progress, looking to drag
> > down a full gigabyte of source. Heh.
> Pro tips:
> Create a file called "useroptions.mak" in the same directory as the
> "makefile". In it put:
> SOURCES = src/mame/drivers/coco12.cpp,src/mame/drivers/coco3.cpp
> This will speed up compiling by reducing the number of drivers
> included. From around 3000 to 7.
> Also remember to add a -j number to one plus the number of CPUs in
> your machine when you make. So for a 4 core machine you would do:
> make -j5


    Thanks for the tips! But, after upgrading from 0191 to 0201, I get
a double wide window and two CoCo screens in that window! Coco and
Coco2 (all versions) work fine. Only all the Coco3 versions double.

(Works the same when all drivers are compiled as well.)

    Thanks for any hints.

Christopher R. Hawks
"Of course, this is not a very secure program...  But, we weren't trying
to write a security system, just an example for page 9 in this book."
		-- Randal L. Schwartz, "Learning Perl" p. 9
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