[Coco] WiFi modem.

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Thu Jan 18 23:58:29 EST 2018

That's interesting stuff, Allen.  The "stock" firmware of the ESP8266 
uses an AT command set but the actual commands are much different than 
the Hayes modem.  So I have a couple of questions: 1) How do you update 
the firmware on the ESP8266?  2) Are all iterations of the ESP8266 the 
same as far as firmware updates?

I have a few of the ultra-cheap Chinese eBay ESP8266 boards but I've 
noticed that there are some other slightly different designs out there too.


On 1/18/2018 10:16 PM, Allen Huffman wrote:
> The ESP8266 is a WiFi part that actually has RAM and flash and IO and all that. You can put custom code on it, and it has the full TCP IP WiFi networking stuff on it.
> One of these for a few bucks, and a converter for RS232 and a power supply, and any CoCo and have a WiFi modem. There are many firmware loads you can put on it to make it a transparent serial to WiFi link, so you can telnet in to a CoCo just like a modem, or more.
> This one is a full Hayes modem...
> https://github.com/bozimmerman/Zimodem
> Load that on the ESP, and any terminal program can be used to telnet to anywhere else. This means, simple read write to pull web pages down and such.
> I found many plans to hook this all up and a place selling them that was out. Roger Taylor's CoaC (CoCo on a Chip) let’s you plug the ESP8266 in and I was playing with that and Bluetooth tonight using Ultimaterm. Very interesting stuff.

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