[Coco] Frank Hogg Labs E-Forth, which is the only thing I’ve found that won’t run on the CoCo3FPGA ?

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Tue Feb 20 06:26:43 EST 2018


On 2/20/2018 4:25 AM, Leslie Ayling wrote:
> Hi Dave, Brett , et al.
>> I think Gary's implementation relies on the standard usage and does not account for different values in the data direction registers.
> True.
>  From what I can see in the current version of CoCo3FPGA, the data register at $FF00 (KEYBOARD_IN) is always treated as an 8 bit *input* port regardless of the Data Direction bits.
> Likewise, the data register at $FF02 (KEY_COLUMN) is always treated as an 8 bit *output* port regardless of the Data Direction bits.
> Did a quick disassembly of the EFORTH.bin file.
>>   I *think* the issue is that the program makes non-standard use of the keyboard PIA data ports.
> Not that I can see (so far).
> Appears to use $FF00 as normal inputs:
> RAM:3007
> RAM:3007
> RAM:3007                RESET_KBD:                              ; CODE XREF: sub_3838+6↓P
> RAM:3007 CC 30 34                       ldd     #$3034
> RAM:300A B7 FF 01                       sta     byte_FF01       ; $30 => FF01 = select DDRA, CA2 as output, CA2 -> Lo as MPU writes CRA
> RAM:300D 7F FF 00                       clr     byte_FF00       ; set A reg as all inputs
> RAM:3010 F7 FF 01                       stb     byte_FF01       ; $34 => FF01 = select RegA, CA2 as output, CA2 -> Lo as MPU writes CRA
> RAM:3013 39                             rts
> RAM:3013                ; End of function RESET_KBD
> It does however, set up an interrupt handler on the CB1 input (*FS output of the 6847 chip == VBLANK more or less).
> RAM:2F05                INT_HANDLER:                            ; DATA XREF: RAM:2EF0↑o
> RAM:2F05 B6 FF 03                       lda     byte_FF03
> RAM:2F08 2A 1E                          bpl     not_CB1_int     ; branch if IRQA flag not set.
> RAM:2F0A B6 FF 02                       lda     byte_FF02       ; clear interrupt
> RAM:2F0D B6 09 85                       lda     byte_985
> RAM:2F10 27 0C                          beq     loc_2F1E
> RAM:2F12 4A                             deca
> RAM:2F13 B7 09 85                       sta     byte_985
> RAM:2F16 26 06                          bne     loc_2F1E
> RAM:2F18 7F 2E E7                       clr     byte_2EE7
> RAM:2F1B 7F FF 40                       clr     FDC_CONTROL_REG
> RAM:2F1E
> RAM:2F1E                loc_2F1E:                               ; CODE XREF: RAM:2F10↑j
> RAM:2F1E                                                        ; RAM:2F16↑j
> RAM:2F1E BE 00 8D                       ldx     word_8D
> RAM:2F21 27 05                          beq     not_CB1_int
> RAM:2F23 30 1F                          leax    -1,x
> RAM:2F25 BF 00 8D                       stx     word_8D
> RAM:2F28
> RAM:2F28                not_CB1_int:                            ; CODE XREF: RAM:2F08↑j
> RAM:2F28                                                        ; RAM:2F21↑j
> RAM:2F28 3B                             rti
> Code from CoCo3FPGA that provides the data available at $FF03:
> ===================================================================================
> // FF03, FF07, FF0B, FF0F, FF13, FF17, FF1B, FF1F
> ({ADDRESS[15:5], ADDRESS[1:0]} == 16'b1111111100011)  ?     {!VSYNC1_IRQ_BUF[1], 3'b011, SEL[1], DDR2, VSYNC1_POL, VSYNC1_IRQ_INT}:
> ….
> // V_SYNC int for COCO1
> // Output   VSYNC1_IRQ_N
> // Status   VSYNC1_IRQ_STAT_N
> // Buffer   VSYNC1_IRQ_BUF
> // State          VSYNC1_IRQ_SM
> // Input          VSYNC_INT_N
> // Switch   VSYNC1_IRQ_INT @ FF01
> // Polarity VSYNC1_POL
> // Clear          FF02
> always @ (negedge PH_2 or negedge RESET_N)
> begin
>        if(!RESET_N)
>        begin
>              VSYNC1_IRQ_BUF <= 2'b11;
>              VSYNC1_IRQ_N      <= 1'b1;
>        end
>        else
>        begin
>              VSYNC1_IRQ_BUF <= {VSYNC1_IRQ_BUF[0], VSYNC1_IRQ_STAT_N};
>              VSYNC1_IRQ_N      <= VSYNC1_IRQ_BUF[1] | !VSYNC1_IRQ_INT;
>        end
> end
> always @ (negedge VSYNC1_CLK_N or negedge RST_FF02_N)
> begin
>        if(!RST_FF02_N)
>        begin
>              VSYNC1_IRQ_STAT_N <= 1'b1;                // no int
>        end
>        else
>        begin
>              VSYNC1_IRQ_STAT_N <= 1'b0;                      // Interrupt
>        end
> end
> ====================================================================================
> Wonder if interrupt is being triggered correctly…
> More investigation required I think….
> Cheers,
> Leslie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Coco [mailto:coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com] On Behalf Of Brett Gordon
> Sent: Tuesday, 20 February 2018 1:15 AM
> To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts
> Subject: Re: [Coco] ***SPAM*** Frank Hogg Labs E-Forth, which is the only thing I’ve found that won’t run on the CoCo3FPGA ?
> On Feb 19, 2018 9:06 AM, "Dave Philipsen" < <mailto:dave at davebiz.com> dave at davebiz.com> wrote:
> Hi Leslie.  I think I downloaded this E-Forth package and tried it on the CoCo3FPGA.  I *think* the issue is that the program makes non-standard use of the keyboard PIA data ports.
> Normally one port is configured as outputs while the other is configured as inputs.  I think Gary's implementation relies on the standard usage and does not account for different values in the data direction registers.
>> I have had mixed result flipping ins for outs on real cocos too.  I think its electrically hinky/dangerous also. So maybe we could flip the code around and turn any key tables by 90° and try again.
> As I recall, the program doesn't hang.  You get an intro page but it doesn't correctly decode the keyboard.
> Dave
> On 2/19/2018 6:57 AM, Leslie Ayling wrote:
>> Hi Stephen, et al.
>> Just catching up on posts and saw this in your post.
>> Could you be more specific about what doesn't work in the E-Forth package?
>> Does it hang/not work at all etc.
>> Could you provide a link to the version you are using?
>> Cheers,
>> Leslie

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