[Coco] Call code Syscall

Wayne Campbell asa.rand at gmail.com
Mon Feb 19 00:03:24 EST 2018

Thanks Bill. I was not aware that those things were defined in OS9Defs.
Thanks for the info. I always looked in the OS-9 manual (now the NitrOS9
manual) under the system calls section. I have debated creating a procedure
that defines the calls according to a call name label, then passing the
name to it, along with the regs packet, to perform the call and return the
regs with whatever they are supposed to return. I still don't know if it
would be worth it, considering the overhead of an additional procedure to a
program that may already be pushing the limits of available memory. My
decode program, for example, would not profit from it as one regs call
would not warrant a procedure with over 30 system calls defined. It would
add more overhead than the memory could allow.


On Feb 18, 2018 2:10 PM, "Bill Pierce via Coco" <coco at maltedmedia.com>

> Wayne, actually, the call codes are defined in /dd/defs/os9defs (os9.d for
> nitros9). They are the "F$XxxXxx" definitions. BUT, they are not explained
> other than their name and description. There's no reference of the regs
> used to set them up, only the byte code and a short description of it's
> purpose. To get the info on how to use them, you must reference the same
> "F$XxxXxx" name in the "Technical Reference" manual to get the proper usage.
> Without knowledge of what's in the defs files, one would not get very far
> in assembly or C programming in OS9.
> Bill Pierce
> "Charlie stole the handle, and the train it won't stop going, no way to
> slow down!" - Ian Anderson - Jethro Tull
> My Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wayne Campbell <asa.rand at gmail.com>
> To: CoCoList <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> Sent: Sun, Feb 18, 2018 10:27 am
> Subject: Re: [Coco] Call code Syscall
> You are incorrect in your example. $8E is the call code. The call codes
> arenot defined in /DD/DEFS. They are listed in the NitrOS9 manual under
> systemcalls. In Basic09 I always define the call code using a BYTE
> variable, asfollows:DIM CallCode:BYTETYPE REG=cc,a,b,dp: BYTE;
> x,y,u:INTEGERDIM regs:REGCallCode:=$8D \(* getstat call coderegs.a:=
> whateverregs.b:= whateverRUN SysCall(CallCode,regs)WayneOn Feb 16, 2018
> 9:49 AM, "Taylor, Phillip L CIV" <Phillip.L.Taylor at uscg.mil>wrote:>
> Hello>> I was looking at some old code that was written to run under the
> Old Tandy> Os9 Level 2 and I am trying to figure out where the call code is
> in the> /dd/defs file.>> Regs.A = 0> Regs.Y = 1> Regs.B = $84> Regs.X =
> $6401> Run Syscall ($8e,regs)>> Executing $8e and the call code is $84.
> This location may have several> different call codes and I am trying to see
> all the call codes for this> address and what each one does?>> --> Coco
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