[Coco] VCC - Becker Module (Was: Basic09 6309 version)

James Ross jrosslist at outlook.com
Mon Jun 5 23:50:28 EDT 2017

Walter Zambotti said:
> I hope I'm not telling you what you already know 
> (ie.: How to suck eggs. In Ozzi)

HA! good one.

> I had no trouble building a DEBUG version but I had lots of 
> trouble building a RELEASE for VCC 2.01B final edit in VS2015 .

That's exactly one of the issues I was getting w/ several combinations I tried. 

> Until I added an empty project using the C++ template: "Install Window XP Support for C++"

good to know ... 

> But you probably already knew this!

Not necessarily. Thanks for the info, Walter!  


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