[Coco] ZBUG

Melanie and John Mark Mobley johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 22:00:36 EDT 2017

Bill Pierce,

Thank you for information.  I can make that work for what I need to do.

Rem I wonder if this will work?
Rem 0xff00 = -0x0100
LOADM"ZBUG/BIN",&HFF00:rem 0x1400-0x0100=0x1300

Mark McDougal,

I used XRoar for the 4k CoCo Coding contest, but I want something that will
run a CoCo 3 in Linux.

I have MAME but I have trouble getting it work for me.  I remember have
trouble understanding something about using the tab key to set it up.  I
guess I need to devote some more time to it.

John Mark Mobley

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