[Coco] OT: Upgrade to WIndows 10?

Michael Graham mkgraham at gmx.com
Sat Nov 21 11:42:32 EST 2015

I've been using Windows 10 since the day it came out, and there's really 
very little I dislike about it, but there are a few major things to 

First, be aware that data collection is enabled by default.  I don't 
think they're selling your usage statistics to advertisers, I think 
rather that it's being used internally to provide background for updates 
and patches, but I haven't read the full EULA so I couldn't say for 
sure.  But that's kind of a fact of life anymore, and I stopped letting 
it bother me after I got an Android phone (I'm pretty sure Google knows 
practically everything about me by now).

Second, updates are forced.  If you don't take action to turn off 
automatic restarts, your computer will reboot in the middle of whatever 
you were doing if you happen to step away for however long it takes to 
ask you if you want to reschedule.  An extension of this that really 
bothers me is that when you turn off automatic restarts, Windows has a 
tendency to wake up your computer (if it was in sleep instead of off) in 
the middle of the night to ask you when to schedule the restart.  It 
will do this even if you disable wake timers.  I'm sure if I hadn't 
disabled automatic restarts it would be attempting to wake the computer 
from sleep to perform the restart instead of just asking me when to 
schedule the restart.

And a third thing is that updates are apparently peer-to-peer shared, so 
your computer will upload updates in addition to downloading them, in a 
torrent-like system.  I haven't run into any problems caused by this 
personally, but I've heard stories about people who are heavy internet 
users otherwise running into their providers' data caps because of 
this.  I think there's supposed to be a setting to turn it off, but I 
haven't bothered to look for it.


On 11/21/2015 2:23 AM, Arthur Flexser wrote:
> I realize this is really, really seriously off-topic, and that there is
> ample information/reviews elsewhere.  But, I'm curious to have the
> impressions of CoCo people, whose opinions I greatly value, on whether I
> should take Microsoft up on the free upgrade they occasionally urge me to
> take advantage of.  I currently have Windows 8.1 and am pretty happy with
> it.  I use Classic Shell, so I don't have to experience the
> Metro/Modern/whatever they are calling it now interface except when I
> choose to.  (There are a couple of apps I use, so I am glad to have them so
> long as they don't get in my way.)  I have a pretty fast desktop, a Dell
> XPS 8500 with plenty of hard drive space and 8 GB of memory, so I don't
> think the hardware will be a problem.
> So, any impressions from people here who are Windows 10 users?
> Art

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