[Coco] Expanding features via FPGA’s & VCC

Mark McDougall msmcdoug at iinet.net.au
Wed Nov 4 21:35:01 EST 2015

On 4/11/2015 5:26 PM, James Ross wrote:

> I don’t know how feasible it would be, but what might be interesting
> for expanding graphics (and sound) via the FPGA’s would be if they
> could be implemented through a type of “Hardware Acceleration” so the
> drivers would setup and emit small commands to the hardware as
> opposed to having the 6x09 CPU loaded down doing them.

The obvious first candidate would be sprites. They're trivial to 
implement in an FPGA. But how do you 'standardise' them and who is going 
to write software to utilise them?

>> I had over 50 people "hounding" me to get VCC to open source and
>> not one has offered to help work on it.

The thinking being that if it's open source, them _someone_ (else) will 
work on it! ;)


|    Mark McDougall    |  Error: witty remark not found!
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