[Coco] tandy 1000 ex/hx external 720k drive to use on coco

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Jun 20 05:21:27 EDT 2015

On Saturday 20 June 2015 01:16:06 George Ramsower wrote:
>   The last PSU I used was from an old VCR. It is a switching PSU and
> had 5V and 12V. It handles the CC3 board, 3.5" floppy drive and add on
> boards but I did have to add a 12V lamp to the 5V supply line to keep
> the current drain to a level that keeps the PSU happy.
>   I don't know how easy it is to find old VCRs now but, when I got
> this one, those things were constantly being tossed and replaced with
> new ones. That one is about half the width of a 5 /14 drive and about
> the same thickness and length.
> George R

So there is another src for your floppy power folks.  And I have at least 
2 old VCR's in the midden heap, someplace...

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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