[Coco] Connection refused error when trying to pull an update

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sun Jul 19 23:24:43 EDT 2015

On Sunday 19 July 2015 22:27:34 Ed Orbea wrote:
> When I try to pull an update for either Toolshed of Nitros9, I get a
> connection refused error for:
> http://hg.code.sf.net/p/toolshed/code
> and
> http://hg.code.sf.net/p/nitros9/code
> When I try to access the site directly in my browser, I get this
> message: Safari cannot open the page
> "http://hg.code.sf.net/p/nitros9/code" because Safari cannot connect
> to the server hg.code.sf.net.
> Is this a temporary issue or a longer term issue due to the current
> 'fun-n-games' with Sourceforge?

Ack the page link posted earlier, they apparently lost the main storage 
array, something in the area of 40Tb.  Its being rebuilt as we speak 
from backups.

We are likely not the highest priority group, so it could be a few days 
> Are there plans to relocate the repo?
I got told off the last time I suggested it.  So far, they haven't 
managed to contaminate our nitros9 repo.  If and when they do, then 
maybe it might be considered.  I cerainly hope so.

This is beginning to resemble having a phone on an old Verizon copper 
pair system.  I fought with them until I voted with my wallet., so now 
my phone is on the cable system.

The year I switched, 2012 I think it was, I had a telephone for a total 
of 3 weeks in a 5 month period, and to get that I had to use cell phone 
minutes & file official complaints with the WV PUC.  What really made me 
ready to open up a can of whupass was the people who finally did come to 
put some more chewing gum & bailing wire on it, were all upset because I 
had called the PUC!  'Scuse me?  Oh, FWIW, no offer of prorating the 
monthly, whether I actually had a working phone wasn't germain to 

> Thanks
> +----------------+
> *Ed Orbea*
> Poulsbo, WA

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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