[Coco] NitrOS-9 beginner

L. Curtis Boyle curtisboyle at sasktel.net
Fri Jul 3 15:05:56 EDT 2015

Except for the earliest Radio shack drives (that were full height, stood on their side, and had the push button to disengage a disk), all Radio Shack drives supported 40 track (that first generation only supported 35).  If you have any of the newer ones (FD-500/501/502), then yours is 40 track. 
You are correct in that stock DECB only supported 35 tracks, and one sided. 3rd party DECB replacements (JDOS, ADOS, etc. )  could support more. 

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> On Jul 3, 2015, at 12:53 PM, Robert Hermanek <rhermanek at centurytel.net> wrote:
> Drive is single sided.  And I guess maybe I don't understand 40 track -- is it that a standard radio shack disk controller and drive actually "support" 40 track on the hardware level, and it's just that DECB only uses 0-34?
> I'll check out the disk images.  That being said, the only way I have convert a .dsk to an actual floppy is to use drivewire and HDB-DOS, meaning my copy operation from .dsk to floppy will only support 35 tracks...
> -RobertH
>> On 7/3/2015 12:52 PM, K. Pruitt wrote:
>> Are you sure your 35 track disk is not 40 track compatable? I never had an issue running my single-sided 35 track disk system with 40 track disks.
>> The freshest builds are always available at:
>> http://nitros9.sourceforge.net/latest/
>> I usually use the images called
>> nos96809l2v030300coco3_40d_1.dsk
>> and
>> nos96809l2v030300coco3_40d_2.dsk
>> Is your lone drive a single or double sided drive? With that information we can help you select the best disk image for your system, or make you one that suits your system.
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