[Coco] [COCO] Disk Images from HDD's MM/1 & CoCo

David Ladd davidwladd at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 18:02:25 EST 2015


Warnings up front---
Please make sure you only work with copies of your original disk images.
Never work with the original disk images of your hard drives or floppy disk

This is directed towards Allen and anyone else this may help.

Now for those who have used linux/mac to transfer a MM/1 disk image using
DD(or compatible) utility you can actually use the "os9" utility, from the
toolshed project, to access files on those disk images.

You can even use this "os9" utility to copy files between the 512byte
sector images that are used on the MM/1 and the 256 byte based images on
the CoCo.

To format a disk image for use on the CoCo that is at max capacity and at
cluster size of 1 would be as follows:
os9 format -l524280 diskimagename.os9

Give you a example of transfering files between a MM/1 disk image that uses
actual 512byte sectors and a CoCo Disk Image that is based on 256byte
sectors would be easy.  Example as follows using dsave option:
os9 dsave -e mm1.os9, coco.os9,

You technically could go the other direction as well if you like.
If you wanted to format a OS-9/68K image that would use 512byte sectors by
default you can use the os9 command to do that as well with a cluster size
of 1:
os9 format -bs512 -k -l524280 diskimagename.os9

​Hope these examples help. :D​

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