[Coco] Replacement 360K floppy drives?

Nick Marentes nickma2 at optusnet.com.au
Sun Jan 11 02:37:18 EST 2015

On 11/01/2015 4:22 PM, Allen Huffman wrote:

> I thought about that and watched a (crappy) YouTube video of someone cleaning a Commodore 64 drive with alcohol and a Q-tips (you know, the way everyone told you not to do it back then 'cause if you weren't a professional you could ruin your drive) so I disassembled my drives (lots more complicated pieces than a single sided drive), air dusted them, and went through a manual cleaning.
> Here's hoping it helps.

Personally, I think you're wasting your time. Even after you clean the 
heads, it won't take very long and they'll be I/O error'ing again.

Can't expect anythink else from 30 years old media.

One hint, if you put a floppy in the drive and you hear a squelling 
noise... take it out immediately. That's the surface of the old media 
acting like sandpaper on your heads.

Drivewire and SDC, I won't touch anything else.


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