[Coco] Multipak redesign/replacement / New CoCo...

Gustavo Ranaur Schoenaker ranaur at ranaur.net
Tue Feb 24 15:30:37 EST 2015

I was thinking about making a FPGA replacement for the 6847 so it can get a
decent VGA output aswell (with fake artifacts like RGB2VGA).But I still
have a long way to learn about FPGA. One step at a time ...

On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 5:05 PM, Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) <
retrocanada76 at gmail.com> wrote:

> My next project after I finish the rgb2vga 2.0 will be a decent MMU for the
> coco1 F boards. Exactly as the coco3 so we can run Level2 on a coco1. Since
> I'll be playing with FPGA, I will add a native 80 column too.
> There are too many coco2 board layouts, so I will stick with the good ol'
> coco1 F. The board will be placed in the place of the 8 ram chips.
> Maybe I can replace the VDG like the godil atom, so we can have vga output
> and 2Mhz clock.
> --
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