[Coco] LHA problem

Bob Devries devries.bob at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 00:26:19 EST 2015


I worked around it by using this command line:

/sd1/cmds/dir -ur ! lha a -x -p oct86.lzh

The dir command I used is the old dirosk version. Lha appears to support 
inputting filenames from a pipe. My CWD is the directory where the files 
for OCT86 are stored.

Works a treat! There's always other ways of doing a task in OS9.

Regards, Bob Devries
Dalby, QLD, Australia

On 15/02/2015 1:46 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Saturday, February 14, 2015 08:59:25 AM Robert Gault wrote:
>> Bob Devries wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm trying to use LHA to archive my Rainbow on disk collection. I
>>> currently have a directory for each year that I have. I CHD to the
>>> directory I want to archive:
>>> CHD /sd1/ROD_OS9/OCT86
>>> then my LHA command line is:
>>> :lha a -r ../oct86.lzh *
>>> LHA responds with:
>>> ==> 60% read.me.first    o
>>> Can't find file : 'CMDS'
>>> Can't find file : 'SOURCE'
>>> LHA Error #1
>>> ERROR #001
>>> I'm pretty sure I have the correct syntax; note the leading : for
>>> wild-card expansion in Shell+ 2.2.....
>>> 'a' for add
>>> '-r' for recursively collect files
>>> '../oct86.lzh' the target lzh archive file
>>> '*' do all files
>>> What am I doing wrong? Yes, lha and xlh (version 2.11C IIRC) are both
>>> in my CMDS directory.
>>> Regards, Bob Devries
>>> Dalby, QLD, Australia
>> Without seeing the directory structure in OCT86, it is hard to tell
>> what lha is complaining about. Here is the inline help for lha.
>> LHA v2.11:  File Archive              Copyright (c) Haruyasu Yoshizaki,
>> 1988-91 LHA OS9 v2.11c  by E. M. Krenciglowa 1993-94        UNLZH  by
>> N. Rheaume 1992 Usage: LHA <command> [-option[-+012|WDIR]]
>> <archive[.lzh]> [DIR/] [filespecs]
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --------- <command>
>>        a: Add files          u: Update files         m: Move files
>>        f: Freshen files      d: Delete files         p: disPlay files
>>        e: Extract files      x: eXtract w/pathnames  t: Test archive
>> integrity l: List files         v: list View w/pathnames
>>     <option>
>>        r: Recursively collect files        w: assign Work directory
>>        x: allow eXtended file names        m: no Message for query
>>        p: distinguish full Path names      c: skip time-stamp Check
>>        a: allow any Attributes of files    z: Zero compression (only
>> store) t: archive's Time-stamp option      h: select Header level
>> (default =1) o: use Old compatible method        n: display No
>> indicator a/o pathname A: convert text (CR LF => CR)       l: display
>> Long name with indicator Pn: pack 1-fast 9-best (default 6)  U: don't
>> make filenames lowercase Tnn: tabstops nn characters apart   L: legal
>> OS9 filename mapping
>> Robert
> You folks are doing an oil & water mix-n-match of functions that does not
> mix well.
> Since lha is capable of doing its own "shell expansion" when the -r is in
> effect, I have never used the extra leading : to invoke shell expansion.
> Besides that, the shells expansion is not all that useable as the
> expansion buffer is about 50k too small to hold all of a busy directory
> that has been extended several times.  I have, for that limited buffer
> reason, found shell expansion to be less than useful, and capable of
> crashing the shell to boot as it did not appear to handle a buffer
> overflow at all well.
> So don't use the shell expension, just let lha do its own 1 at a time
> thing.  I haven't run it in a while, but I think to do a full directory
> into one archive file, that you should cd back out one level and as shown
> in the help, name the directory you want in the archive as something like
> 'Oct89/', note slash & no quotes, and put the -w work file right there in
> the parent directory.  Or wherever you are organized to want it as it can
> take a full pathlist of a reasonable length IIRC.
> I suppose its possible you could work IN the directory you want, by
> specifying a ./ as the src, but then you would have to put the -w file as
> ../filename.lha (out of that directry IOW) else you would be recursively
> backing up the file you are creating.  ISTR doing that once a couple
> decades back up the log and made a mess to clean up when the disk or the
> FD.SEG was full.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

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