[Coco] [Color Computer] Re: color computer 2 and fd-501 floppy drive

alhartman6@optonline.net [ColorComputer] ColorComputer at yahoogroups.com
Tue Sep 23 06:47:26 EDT 2014

Have you tried adjusting the speed of the drive? 

 You'll have to take the case top off to do that, and if you do it the manual way (by using the sticker on the drive motor), you'll have to dismount the drive from the case.

 You'll need to look up the service manual for the drive to find the potentiometer to adjust. I would use a non-metallic tool to do the adjustment.

 And while you have the drive open, check the pressure pad opposite the head to make sure it is not missing or worn out.

 -[ Al ]-

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