[Coco] Something of interest to the design people here

Richard E Crislip rcrislip at neo.rr.com
Tue Oct 28 22:53:33 EDT 2014

On Mon, 27 Oct 2014 12:59:01 -0400
Gene Heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com> wrote:

> On Monday 27 October 2014 05:47:08 Mark McDougall did opine
> And Gene did reply:
> > On 26/10/2014 9:51 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > I found out years later that he had called the owner 3 times
> > > wanting to fire me for insubordination, but the owner told him
> > > "not no but hell no".
> > > 
> > > Thats a warm fuzzy feeling at 11,000 feet over Lake Michigan when
> > > I was told that.  In the owners airplane, a twin Cessna. :)
> > 
> > You need to sell the movie rights to your biography Gene!
> > 
> > Regards,
> What?  And bore the heck out of anybody so desperate as to buy a
> ticket to it?  Besides, production costs would be in the millions. I
> think not. Most would probably call it fantasy, not believing for a
> second that it could happen that way in real life.
> But it seems like I did have an uncanny knack for being at the right 
> place, at the right time, to have participated in some small way with
> some of our greatest projects back when JFK etc thought we had money
> to burn for R&D.
> Then the libs come along and moved all those $ into a black hole
> called welfare, and wrote the R&D tax credits back out of the tax
> laws too.  The end result is that only 5% of what was being done in
> 1955 is being done today.  The results of course are predictable by
> anyone but the libs. I'd like to outlaw their rose colored glasses
> that blind them to the real world and common sense.
> You see the results of that today because we are no longer the most 
> productive country on the planet, the Chinese Communist model has
> been kicking our butts for years and now China is officially the top
> dog now.
> As you all know, I think our Constitution and Bill of Rights are the
> two most significant documents written since the Magna Carta.
> But the folks in the windy city have a problem, Kelly is introducing
> house bills, at Bloombergs request, 5 of them at last count, that
> would trash at least the first 4 amendments in the Bill of Rights.
> She needs to be encouraged to find another line of work on Nov 4th.
> The libs in Colorado got their tails docked in that recall, and
> Chicago needs to do likewise.
> Sorry about the politics, but this country is fighting for its life.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

Preach on brother!

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