[Coco] Need help repairing a CoCo 2

Francis Swygert farna at att.net
Thu Oct 16 08:20:20 EDT 2014

First, go to www.maltedmedia.com and find the CoCo List Archives, then find "Tandy's Little Wonder" and download that. It has a quick repair guide that covers just about everything a hobbyist with some soldering skills can repair with nothing more than a soldering iron and multimeter. Has some schematics, but they didn't translate to PDF very well and re hard to read. 

In your case, before I replaced the 6809 I'd pull the RAM chips then put them back in the sockets. The pins get a little corrosion on them over time and just pulling and putting back in will solve that issue. Your problem is more likely to be a blown 6809, but won't hurt to try the easy way first. 

Frank Swygert
Publisher, "American Motors Cars" 
Magazine (AMC)
For all AMC enthusiasts

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