[Coco] NOS9 v3.30 Multivue not working correctly

L. Curtis Boyle curtisboyle at sasktel.net
Wed May 21 11:59:30 EDT 2014

All high level menu functions were in Windint (which would call grfdrv to do the actual drawing, but setting up colors, etc. was all done in Windint).
L. Curtis Boyle
curtisboyle at sasktel.net

On May 21, 2014, at 9:56 AM, Bill Pierce via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:

> Curtis, do you remember what system module controls the menuing functions?
> All that needs to be fixed in the hires 2 color mode is that the "box" around the top menu bar is displaying the wrong char or something. Instead of being a sloid box around the top bar, it becomes vertical lines all the way across the menu bar. If you mouse over and click where a menu item "should" be, it will appear and function properly. It really seems to be just a minor bug in how that pattern is displayed (stdpats_2?) and could probably be fixed.
> This is not a gshell problem as it happens in running anything that makes the menubar system calls even without gshell/multivue installed.
> Here's a pic of MV Canvas in hires 2 color mode:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23059963/Pictures/MV%20Canvas/MVC%202%20color%201.bmp
> Same mode but menu item selected:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23059963/Pictures/MV%20Canvas/MVC%202%20color%202.bmp
> Now in hires 4 color mode:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23059963/Pictures/MV%20Canvas/MVC%204%20color%201.bmp
> Same mode with menu item selected:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23059963/Pictures/MV%20Canvas/MVC%204%20color%202.bmp
> All other graphics functions seem to work in hires 2 color mode. The only thing I've noticed is the menu bar bug.
> Any ideas where this would be? grfdrv maybe?
> Bill Pierce
> "Today is a good day... I woke up" - Ritchie Havens
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: L. Curtis Boyle <curtisboyle at sasktel.net>
> To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> Sent: Wed, May 21, 2014 9:18 am
> Subject: Re: [Coco] NOS9 v3.30 Multivue not working correctly
> If the current version is based on 1.26a (the last version I worked on), there 
> was some things I put into env.file that did allow you to control the colors at 
> boot up. I added a 2nd set of 4 default colors that Gshell itself uses, in 
> addition to the system wide defaults that were already in there. Been a long 
> time since I looked at any of that, but I think I had it so that it would load 
> those in by default as well, as opposed to have to run CONTROL -E. It's been a 
> long time since I looked at it, but I think they were something like GSHPAL0= 
> through GSHPAL3=, or something like that.
> I should mention - Kent Meyers did the original disassembly (And all the 
> modifications up through version 1.25) - he kindly gave me his last source, and 
> I did my updates based on that. It was originally written in C, and Kent's 
> disassembly was in ASM source, which is what I used. If he disassembled the 
> utilities, I don't recall that we ever received them.
> Also, Bill Pierce was mentioning that two color MultiVue windows were broke in 
> the NitrOS-9... that was a conscious decision. In order to get the 3-D look to 
> work, one needs more than two colors to do it properly. Since MultiVue itself 
> did not use it, and 99% of other WindInt based programs did not also (I was 
> aware that MVCanvas did), the decision was made to not officially support it. I 
> believe that the Level II Version 3.0 upgrade this as well, although I never 
> tried to run MVCanvas under it (we only had pieces of it, and way too late in 
> NitrOS-9's development, to do much with it). 
> L. Curtis Boyle
> curtisboyle at sasktel.net
> On May 21, 2014, at 2:00 AM, Willard Goosey <goosey at virgo.sdc.org> wrote:
>>> the color problem you describe, but I haven't looked either. I >have noticed 
> that MV does not "startup" in the settings you >have saved in the "control 
> panel" (env.file). If you 
>> Put the line "control -e" in your startup for that to happen. 
>> Willard 
>> Sent from Samsung tablet
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