[Coco] Vcc 1.4.3b and DW4 Installation Guide

cyberpunk at prtc.net cyberpunk at prtc.net
Sat Mar 8 14:18:23 EST 2014

VCC indeed does not run properly under Windows 7 sorry, and the worse part is that there won't be a WIN 7 or higher compatible CoCo 3 emulator in the foreseeable future either. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but those are the facts.
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Saturday, 08 March 2014, 01:47PM -0400 from "Bill" <cwgordon at carolina.rr.com>:
Having a new 64bit Win 7 machine, I'm finding that a LOT of stuff I want and
need to run just will not. Will VCC and DriveWire 4 be among them?
-----Original Message-----
From:  coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com [mailto:coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com] On
Behalf Of Bill Pierce
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2014 9:56 AM
To:  coco at maltedmedia.com
Subject: [Coco] Vcc 1.4.3b and DW4 Installation Guide
Hi all,
I have made a "Vcc 1.4.3b and DW4 Installation Guide" page at Cocopedia:
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