[Coco] RadioShack closing 1100 stores

Bill Loguidice bill at armchairarcade.com
Fri Mar 7 14:23:06 EST 2014

You know, with all this talk of what Radio Shack's direction should have
been and could be now, which includes going back to some form of hobbyist
electronics or going down an alternate technological path, it reminded me
of something I haven't thought about in years. Tandy's ill-fated experiment
with super stores like Computer City (where I worked for a while after
college) and Incredible Universe may have been a big factor in determining
Radio Shack's "anti-tech" path and setting them on that smartphone-centric
course that didn't end up working out. Those expensive detours may have
sucked the life out of any potential internal momentum the company might
have been able to initiate about returning to its technological roots.
After all, those were the types of failures that Tandy as a corporate
entity hadn't experienced in decades up to that point. That couldn't have
sit well with the future decision makers.


Bill Loguidice, Managing Director; Armchair Arcade,
Authored Books<http://www.amazon.com/Bill-Loguidice/e/B001U7W3YS/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_1>and
Film <http://www.armchairarcade.com/film>; About me and other ways to get
in touch <http://about.me/billloguidice>

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